Documents relating to James Stansfeld

The following documents mention James Stansfeld and members of his family

Wakefield Court Rolls:

1424. Tourn at Halifax. William Smyth, late of Sowerby, and James Stansfeld of Burnley, presented for an assault, made last Autumn, on Richard Mawd, the greave

1439. Letters of Attorney. Jas. de Stansfeld of Faysantforth [Hesandforth], Thos. Marschall, chaplain, Hen. Colcroft (?Cokcroft), Wm. Lyst(er of Halyfax & John) Byron have put in our place Roger de Bentlay of Heptonstall & Thos. Mychell of Heg....wode to deliver seisin to Geoffrey de Crossleegh s. of Robt. de Crossleegh s. of John de Crossleegh of the vill of Stansfeld of lands, etc., in Stansfeld (Three seals one broken).

[Lanc Arch DDTO/K/21/24]


1439. Confirmation. Jas. de Stansfeld of Faysantforthe, Thos. Marschall, chaplain, Hen. Cokcroft, Wm. Lyster of Halyfax & John Byron to Geoffrey de Crossleegh s. of Robert de Crosseleegh s. of John de Crosseleegh of Stansfeld; lands, etc. in Stansfeld (4 seals, on intact) 

[Lanc Arch DDTO/K 21/25]


1453, 11 August. Bond. We James Stansfeld of Brunley, (sic) [Burnley] senior, gentlemen, Geoffrey Stansfeld of Brunley, gentleman, William Orell, gentleman, John Holcroft, gentlemen and Robert Becanshawe, gentlemen, [are] strongly obligated to pay John Towneley, esquire, three hundred pounds sterling, sealed and signed.

[C. Townley's MS p.1111]


1454. Receipt. Jas. Stansfeld received from John de Tounlay 5 marks parcel of the 40 marks arbitrated to me by Thos. Stanlay, knt.

[Lanc Arch DDTO/K/32/54]


1454. Exemplification of a plea held at Lancaster, at which appeared Hen. Halsall, Ralph Standissh, Ric. Caterall & Hen. Townley against John Townley. John Tounley bound to the peace by Jas. Stanffeld (sic).

[Lanc Arch DDTO/Q/13/4]


1456. Acquittance. Jas. Stansfeld received from Peter Hoppey 5 marks parcel of 20 pounds lately arbitrated to me by Thos. Stanley then knight.

[Lanc Arch DDTO/O/12/113]


1465, 29 Sept. Conveyance. By Chistopher Foldys, kinsman and heir of William Feldys late of Northwood to Laurence Parker of all the messuages, etc. in Extwysill alias Estewysill or elsewhere in Co. Lanc. which the said William his grandfather formerly held jointly with William Foldys late of Dansers who died in the lifetime of the aforesaid William of Northwood, by feoffement of William Parker, grandfather of the said Laurence.

Witnesses: James Stanffeld (sic), Robert Lee, Robert Parker. Dated at Extwysill.

[Lanc Arch DDTA 91]


Peter Stansfeld, gentleman, and Nicholas Stansfeld, gentleman, both of Burnley, appear in an undated document [1470s?] with members of the Calderdale Stansfeld family.

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