An Accident at Halifax Inland Bonding Warehouse [1872]

On 6th August 1872, work was in progress to strengthen the supports of the upper floor, and a wall was being built in the cellar, at the Inland Bonding Warehouse in Gibbet Street, Halifax.

During the work, one of the pillars gave way, completely bringing down iron girders and burying 3 men:

The Lancaster Gazette [Saturday, 10th August 1872]

Fearful Accident at Halifax

A dreadful accident occurred at the Inland Bonding Warehouse in Gibbet Street, Halifax, which was erected several years ago. The Bonding Warehouse Committee did not consider the support of the upper floor was strong enough and asked Messrs Denton & Quarmby of Halifax to carry out some work.

Two labourers, Richard Halliday aged about 28 years, residing at Park Street and Michael Coleman of Chapel Fold had been working for about an hour when Samuel Thwaite, foreman, over forty years of age, went into the cellar and whilst he was there one of the pillars gave way bringing down iron girders and the floor above, completely burying the three men. When the alarm was raised about 30 men were brought in to remove the debris.

In a quarter of an hour Thwaite was found quite dead. He was on his hands and knees with an iron beam across his legs. He was removed to the Corporation Arms close by, where also the second body was taken.

The third and last man, Coleman, was extricated and still alive and was taken to the Infirmary. Most favourable hope is given of his recovery.

The inquest will be held on Wednesday


This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles

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