Newspaper Cuttings : Jeffrey Knowles

Jeffrey Knowles has kindly transcribed a large number of items from national newspapers.

These are held here prior to being incorporated into individual entries on the Calderdale Companion

The Leeds Intelligencer [15th March 1768]33

To be Let for a Term of Years. Situate at Soyland, Near Halifax.

A large well-built Mansion House called Making Place, six rooms on a Floor, besides a kitchen, Brewhouse and Stabling, Barns, &c.

Convenience of Water by Lead Pipes to kitchen and Brewhouse, two gardens, Arable, Meadow and Pasture Ground.

In possession of Mr Samuel Hill, Merchant, deceased, and well sheltered by Plantations.

ALSO Three Fulling Mills called Kebroyd, Thorp and Ripponden Mills Kebroyd Lower Mill Kebroyd Middle Mill Kebroyd Mills, Triangle Kebroyd Upper Mill

Mr Abraham Clegg of Soyland Mills will show the premises.


The Leeds Intelligencer [15th March 1768]7

Lost, or Mislaid

At the Falcon, in Micklegate, YORK, on Thursday, the eighteenth Dec. A METAL WATCH, with Seconds from the contrite wheel, with an outer Case covered with a Tortoise Shell, Maker's name Thomas Lister, Halifax, with a Steel Chain, and two common seals. Whoever shall bring the said watch to Mr Lister, Watchmaker, Halifax or to Mr Smithson at the Falcon aforesaid shall receive Half a Guinea Reward and all reasonable charges


The Leeds Intelligencer [3rd April 1770]3

To be Sold on Thurſday the Twelfth of Apr (1770) at the Talbot. A Freehold Estate called LITTLE BRACKEN BED ſituated in Ovenden with Meſſuage of Farm Houſe, Outbuildings and Several Closes of Land, with upwards of Twenty days work, all well fenced and Moſtly watered. Now in the occupation of Timothy Thomas under an old clear yearly rent of £15

The Leeds Intelligencer [3rd April 1770]6

Entered Upon at Pleasure

The house of the late Mr David Stansfield contiguous to the Town of Halifax, called HOPE HOUSE with Warehouſe, Coach Houſe, Barn, Stable and Outhouſes, all newly built, and with or without Twenty Days Work of Land.

Also a FULLING MILL, ſituate upon the river Calder, called LONGBOTTOM MILL,in the township of Warley. Particulars from Meſſrs. Stansfields at Hope House, aforesaid.


The Manchester Mercury & Harrop's General Advertiser [16th June 1778]4

Halifax, Huddersfield & London Post Coach in Two Days

Sets out from Mr Murgatroyd's, the White Lion, Halifax on Tuesday, 23rd Jun at Three o'clock in the morning, and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning.

By Way of Huddersfield, Sheffield, Chesterfield, Mansfield, Nottingham and Leicester, Northampton, etc., arriving at the Bull & Mouth Inn, Bull & Mouth Street, new Alderfgate, London every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening. Each Inside passenger
from Halifax to London
£2 2/- Outside £1 5/-


The Leeds Intelligencer [30th December 1785]24

To be Sold at Auction at the Talbot in Halifax, on the 5th day of January next. A FREEHOLD ESTATE in Skircoat Green, Near Halifax, called WOOD END with Meffuage and several Closes of Arable, Meadow and Pafture land containing Fifty- three Days work, now in the poffeffion of Mr Nathaniel Ibbetfon who will fhow the premifes. Enquire of Mr Parker, Attorney in Halifax

The Northern Star [17th March 1838]8

Fatal Railway Accident

At an inquiry at the Old White Bear Inn, Pickle Bridge, (Norwood Green, Halifax) touching on the death of James Marshall a joiner of Halifax, age 58 years, who was killed at the station the previous Monday night. The deceased had finished work in Bradford and walked to Pickle Bridge intending to get a train to Halifax. On arriving at the station the train was moving and on arriving there he succeeded in placing his basket in a compartment. In attempting to get onto the train he missed his footing and fell between the platform and the train and was killed on the spot. Verdict was Accidental death


The Leeds Times [20th May 1843]12

Thomas Graham, a miner, was charged with having stabbed Thomas Fogg.

Fogg who appeared in court with his arm in a sling, stated he had been in Hirst's beer shop, near Clark Bridge, and had been smoking a pipe of tobacco which had made him feel dizzy. He went out and laid his head on the bridge, at the same time being quite sober.

Graham, an Irishman, came up and took hold of his legs, and attempted to throw him over the bridge.

At that moment a widow woman named Gray called out to know what he was about, and the prisoner struck Fogg and ran away.

Fogg cried out

I am stabbed

Later, a large new pocket knife, covered with blood, was found nearby.

The magistrates committed Graham to York Castle for trial next Assizes


The Yorkshire Gazette [7th April 1849]27

Sale by Auction at the White Lion Inn, Halifax, on the 20th day of April 1849. That most valuable and extensive property consisting of a Mill five storeys high, 31 yards long by 14 yards wide lately used as a Cotton mill called VICTORIA MILL. - Also a mill 4 storeys high, 40 yards long and 10 yards wide at present used in Card making and Wire Drawing called CANAL MILL. - Also a mill (recently erected) 4 storeys high, 38 yards long and 15 yards wide now used as a Worsted mill and called ALBERT MILL, the lowest room being fireproof

The Morning Post [8th October 1853]20

Destructive Fire at Lee Bridge, Halifax

One of the most terrific and destructive fires that has ever occurred in Yorkshire took place on Tuesday evening. The fire at Lee Mills, Halifax, the property of Messrs Robert Whitworth & Company, on the Halifax and Keighley road were of considerable magnitude.

The mill was six storeys high including the garrett, and the warehouses were five storeys high. The fire was discovered at about 7 o'clock on the fourth storey of the new mill.

After the alarm was given, an effort was immediately made to bring into use several portable fire engines which were on the premises, but as the hose belonging to them could not be found, the engines were quite useless. A gentleman riding on horseback hastened rapidly to the Town Hall for assistance.

Two engines, the Leeds and Yorkshire and the Halifax, Bradford and Keighley were soon dispatched to the spot and arrived just before 8 o'clock. The new mill (which is a small addition to the old one) was in a terrific blaze and a telegraph was sent for additional machines from Bradford, Wakefield and Huddersfield.

Men of all ranks and conditions were employed in every kind of office. The Mayor (Samuel Waterhouse Esq.) was busy amongst the throng and amongst the rest were Mr John Crossley, Mr John Abbott, Mr F. Crossley MP. Mr Alderman Appleyard, Mr John Bold, &c. Some were carrying water, some pumping and some conveying goods to safety.

The Chief Constable ordered a clear passage from the premises to the premises of Messrs John Dennison & Son, and along this lane a continuous stream of persons passed to and fro bearing property of all kinds – pieces, yarns, wool, &c. This work continued for hours with unabated vigour.

The fire was pursuing its destruction course and two engines were of no avail. At about 10 o'clock, three engines arrived from Bradford, They dashed to the lurid scene with great velocity, each drawn by four post horses.

The mills and the warehouses were by this time destroyed. The roofs and walls had collapsed and the warehouse was wrapped in a vast sheet of flame which lighted up the hills and valleys for many miles with terrible grandeur.

The town seemed deserted. Most inhabitants and many from the surrounding area were at the scene. It is computed that some 20,000 to 30,000 persons had assembled, the hills surrounding the scene forming a sort of amphitheatre for spectators.

It has been estimated that the loss cannot be less than £50,000 to £60,000. The buildings are not insured.

The offices in which insurance was effected on stock and machinery were Halifax, Bradford, Keighley, the Leeds & Yorks, the West of England, the Atlas and the Globe.

Nothing is known as to the origin of the fire. It is estimated that a great number of people (it is stated 1,400)  are thrown out of work and their disaster is rendered more severe by the prospect of diminished work everywhere and dear food.


The Halifax Guardian [25th November 1854]34

Another Dispute Between Drawers of Water

Elizabeth Oates said she was not guilty of assaulting Sarah Pollard. Sarah Pollard had lived in Queens Court, Orange Street for 12 years and on Thursday morning she went to a kitchen to draw water from a well which was common to all residents of the neighbourhood.

Whilst she was taking her turn at the tap, Elizabeth, who had only recently come to live in the neighbourhood, held her by the neck, shook her and pushed her against a wall.

Mr Mitchell, for the complainant, called two witnesses, Rhoda Fairclough and her husband Edwin. who corroborated what she said.

The defendant had called the complainant by a variety of opprobrious epithets. It was not the complainant's turn to draw water and she took away the defendant's vessel before it was filled, and, after making use of a dirty expression towards her, she clutched her by the hair of the head. She also threw her cap into the yard.

Martha Gibson ran to the spot on hearing Elizabeth Kelly cry


and she saw the defendant lying on the ground with her cap torn from her head, also some of her hair.

The Mayor said the bench were sorry to have cases of this nature to deal with and, whilst they were desirous of giving all due allowance for any little unpleasantness arising in consequence of the great scarcity of water within the borough, they regretted that it should cause so much animosity between neighbours.

He and his brother magistrates were quite of the opinion that there was no case to be proved


The Leeds Mercury [11th December 1856]9

Fearful Accident

A Fearful accident occurred at Pickle Bridge when an old man, Benjamin Brooke, a Blacksmith, was crossing the line with his son, when a luggage train with one of the heaviest engines ran over the old man resulting in parts of his body being scattered a distance of up to 40 yards. Mr Brooke was aged 69 years and nearsighted


The Thame Gazette [28th November 1865]22

Terrible Railway Collision
Twelve persons injured

A serious collision occurred at Elland Railway station on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Company's railway. An express from Halifax to Huddersdild passing North Dean and Elland station without stopping, but stopping at Brighouse for passengers and to collect tickets, started as usual but with only a dozen passengers. It ran down the incline to North Dean and through the Elland Tunnel, on emerging from which the driver saw an empty coal train standing on the line at a distance of sixty to eighty yards.. With all dispatch the engine was reversed and the driver (George Pickles of Sowerby Bridge) jumped off the engine. The collision, however, was inevitable. It is very fortunate so few people were on the train. The persons injured were; Mr W. Nicholson of Messrs William Nicholson & Sons, Publishers of Halifax; Mr Joseph Vickerman, Manager for Messrs Milner & Sowerby, Publishers of Halifax; Mr Jervis Boocock of Paddock; Wm Beever, guard of the passenger train; George Pickles, driver of the train, Hoyle the stoker; Mr Suffield, Commercial Traveller; also on the train were Mrs Conway and child of Haugh Shaw; and Mr Hebden of Halifax Commercial Bank. Mr Hammerton, Surgeon of Elland was soon on the spot to render every service possible. A few of the injured were able to proceed by train, but others returned in cabs to Halifax


The Yorkshire Post & Leeds Intelligencer [9th January 1875]10

On Monday 18th January at Pear Tree Inn, Pickle Bridge (two minutes walk from the railway station) Near Halifax. D. Butterworth of Pickle Bridge and J. Smith of Low Moor will shoot 11 pigeons each in usual conditions for £25 a side at 1.p.m. Admission 3d each

The Halifax Courier [12th May 1877]19

Queensbury Storing Gunpowder

Application by Messrs Bentley & Woodhouse, Contractors, for a licence to store gunpowder in two magazines, one at New Dolphin, Queensbury, and the other at Strains, Northowram. The applicants had used dynamite up to the present time, but there had been so many accidents that they wished to use gunpowder instead.

Superintendent Ormsby said he had inspected the magazine at Dolphin and found there was a thatched roof.

He objected to it as it was and it now had a flagged roof.

Application granted.


The Bradford Daily Telegraph [3rd November 1877]31

Mr Dearden had just concluded his work for Messrs Whitworth's, having worked for them for 14 years He was the son of Mr W. Dearden of Milton Place, Halifax and the body was identified by his son aged 27 years

The Dundee Courier [5th November 1877]30

A shocking accident occurred at Sowerby Bridge Railway Station, Near Halifax. Mr H. Dearden, a clerk at Messrs Whitworth Company, Luddenden Foot, and Mr John Hoyle, cotton warp agent of Mytholmroyd, were standing upon the line when a train from Todmorden knocked both down and severed Mr Dearden in two. Mr Hoyle was uninjured

The Bradford Daily Telegraph [26th March 1881]11

Oddfellows Hall, Halifax / Stansfield's Variety Theatre

THE GROSVENOR SISTERS in their original Burlesque Entertainment entitled England, Ireland and Scotland. THE LEOPOLD BROTHERS comical chapeau throwers, PATRICK MILES and YOUNG IRELAND, the child wonder, DIXON and BRADIE negro artistes, vocalists,etc., WILLIAMS and WATNEY in their Boxing act, First time of MISS ALICE DE LAINE, premier skipping rope dancer. Grand double trapeze act by MASTER FRED and MISS KATE, Mr A. WILLIAMS comic versatile and vocalist


The Bradford Daily Telegraph [26th March 1881]13

Tuners for Royalty.

ROBERT LONSDALE & SONS, Practical Pianoforte Makers, Crown Street, Halifax. Any person requiring a fine tuned and highly finished IRON UPRIGHT IMPROVED ESCAPEMENT ACTION will do well before purchasing to call at LONSDALE & SONS, Crown Street, Halifax. Prices from £45 to £85


The Bradford Daily Telegraph [26th March 1881]14

Templeton's Varieties, North Bridge, Halifax.

MONSTRE (sic) COMPANY of 20 Star Artistes. THE LUPINOS Panto Troupe from the Theatre Royal, Manchester, THE CLARKES direct from Her Majesty's Theatre, THE COLBRIDGES Character Duologists, EDGAR AUSTIN Lightening Cartoonist, CLIFFORD & FRANKS WITH their performing bear, G. W. Hunter American Irish comedian, ROSE WYNNE Ballad and Descriptive vocalist, and HARRY DALE Court Jester and Instrumentalist.

Two selections nightly by the band.

Conductor Mr A. Grummett


The Bradford Observer [10th June 1882]29

WIKE MILL, Near Pickle Bridge (Norwood Green) Railway station. Room for Forty Fly Spinning Frames and Eighty Narrow Looms. Apply Thomas Dixon, Buttershaw, Bradford

The Bradford Daily Telegraph [19th September 1887]21

Fatal Accident at Halifax

Ernest Murgatroyd, aged about 14, a school boy at the New School, Sowerby Bridge, met with a sad accident on Saturday. He was playing on top of an outhouse connected with the school when he fell off and pulled a top stone 20 ins long by 8 ins wide on top of him. The wall was about 7 feet high.

Dr Waite, who lives nearby, attended the deceased.

Mr Bairstow, the Coroner, has deemed it unnecessary to hold an inquest


The Northern Daily Telegraph [30th May 1889]28

A fire occurred at ROYAL MILLS, Bond Street, Halifax. The building is occupied by Messrs Carter & Co, and Messrs Jesse Robinson & Co., and belongs to the executors of the late Joshua Farrar. The loss was partly covered by insurance and the damage will be near £40,000

The Halifax Guardian [26th May 1894]26

Sale by Auction on 31st May 1894. Two Freehold farms known as DEAN ROYD and LOWER SCOUT, Near Walsden. The Fully Licensed Freehold public house known by the sign of the SUN INN, Near Deanroyd (on the highway from Walsden to Rochdale) in the occupation of Daniel Greenwood,

The Todmorden & District News [29th March 1895]2

Attempted Suicide of a Prisoner
A Romantic Story

On Monday, Albert Mellor a potter of Bradford was charged with taking a quantity of poison, called tincture of opium.

On the previous Thursday, he had been charged with being Drunk and Disorderly in Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, and carrying firearms without a licence, and a charge of attempted suicide was adjourned.

Sgt Snow of Hebden Bridge said he had placed the prisoner in a cell and after watching him for some time became concerned when he saw the pupils of his eyes were contracted and he showed every symptom of having taken poison.

The prisoner said he had been living with a girl named Elizabeth Ellen Bussey and the court heard that she had left him many times when he had used violence, and on one occasion agreed to return to him if he bought her a pair of boots.

It was said that Mellor had bought a revolver for seven shillings, but Mellor disagreed, saying

six shillings

PC James Bigland said he found a six-chambered revolver in the prisoner's possession and 25 cartridges, but the revolver was not loaded. The prisoner did not have a licence for it.

Dr Jos Lawson said the prisoner was suffering from narcotic poisoning and both he and Sgt Snow had given the prisoner an emetic. The prisoner was said to have attempted to cut Miss Bussey's throat at the Black Lion in Leeds. When asked where he had got the knife from, Miss Bussey said he had bought a razor that morning.

Mellor said Miss Bussey had been the ruin of him all because her would not let her have a gay life.

The Clerk asked:

You are putting all the blame upon her?


I have nobody else to put it on


Supt Fearnside said that, in 1883, the prisoner was convicted for neglect of family; In 1885 he was committed for six months for stealing a cheque; In 1886 again for neglect of family and also summoned for assault. In 1893 for wounding. The prisoner was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions in the first week of April


The Keighley News [1st June 1895]15

Attempted Murder in Halifax

An attempted murder in Fitzwilliam Street, Halifax, next street but one to Wilson Street was where fifteen months ago there was a case of murder and suicide. About six weeks ago George Goulding, a fisherman from Hull, and his wife Sarah Ann Goulding with a boy age twelve said to be the illegitimate son of Mrs Goulding, came to settle at 29, Fitzwilliam Street. The husband was out of work and so they came to settle in Halifax which was Mrs Goulding's native place. She was born Sarah Ann Thompson, daughter of a well known old soldier. During the last two or three weeks William Thompson, the wife's brother, who had recently left the army, came to live with them. Goulding returned home after looking for work and found the brother sitting in the kitchen and his wife upstairs changing her boots. Goulding went upstairs and shortly afterwards there was a scream. Thompson rushed upstairs and found his sister and Goulding struggling together and the latter had a razor in his hand. Thompson forced the razor from him and carried his sister, who was bleeding from a wound in the throat, downstairs where she was treated by Dr Davidson Mrs Goulding had received several cuts to her arms and a cut two inches in length but not very deep to her throat. She is recovering. Goulding told the magistrates that he was sorry for what he had done and was remanded for a week.

Final court verdict not known


The Halifax Evening Courier [12th September 1900]35

£33,600 Buried in Halifax
A Spaniard's Novel Request – Makes an Offer of £8,400

The following letter, which appears to have been posted in Barcelona, has been received by a Halifax gentleman, to whom it was addressed as follows:

????? Squ, Worsted goods, Halifax

(Squ, we conjecture, stands for Esq

The letter has been sent to us to make public, as others may have received a similar communication. Indeed, some years ago, a like offer was received in Halifax from a Spaniard, possibly the same one, but then the news was thought to be too good to be true. It is not every day that a man offers to give £8,400 for a slight service, and the offer therefore excites some misgiving. Probably more importance attaches to a small preliminary remittance, an 'anticipe' with the necessary amount of money for two bodies to travel to Halifax with the 'indispenside papers for take the small box'.

Here is the letter, which is written in good, clear hand, but with a very imperfect acquaintance with the Queen's English.

Mr ?????, Halifax.

Sir, Though I have not your acknowledge only for good references that I have of your person, the fatherly love made that I must write to you because a business in Halifax from that depend the future of my dear daughter of 17 years old, pensioner in a college at Malaga ,but I can made nothing, without a second person serious and honest, I send you my demand of your concours for arrive to the end of my wish. Colonel of Chivalry of the Spanish Army I had visited England in September of last year, when I must bury in certain country a steel mail box above Halifax, containing 310,000 frances or £33,600 in bank notes from Spain to London.

Today I live in this prison condemned for a politigue delicts to the pain of 15 years transported to Fernando Poo island and before I go to my captivity I will insure the future of my dear daughter, with this case I manifest you that of you have to give me your protection that I must for take for the money that I have buried in Halifax. I will compense you with the 25 per cent, being £8,400 but I must acquaint you that being atentive to the nature of the business and to the bad state that I am, you will compense yourself.

  • 1st To keep upon this business a great secret
  • 2nd To observe allways all my instructions
  • 3rd To not do the discovery of the small box only in the  presence of my daughter
  • 4th To receive in your house to the said my daughter and a lady  of my confiance, that she will go with her, because for more security  my daughter will carry the indispensable papers for take the small box
  • 5th To do the anticipe of receiving money for pay the amount of  the travel of the two ladies to your house

If you accept at all, answer me for that your lettre cannot be readed for the Director of this prison you must write to me with two enveloppes and with this guidance. Spain. Sp. Du Ramon Fabraga Font per Vich, en Prats de Llusanda, (Provincia de Barcelona) This is the name and guidance of a loyal and old servant of the Army that will send me the lettres with a great secret but for a good prudence you will sign with the name Mosta.

When I have received your accept I will send you all class of notices upon the business and knowledge for can do it well at all.

Expecting your answer, I offer you my services,

Your humble servant JUAN ROCA Military Prison of Barcelaona (Spain)  5th September 1900


The Halifax Guardian [24th May 1902]23

Theft of a Coal Bucket

John Jarvis and a woman were in court charged with stealing a coal bucket, value 9d, from a lock-up shop. The bucket had been placed outside the shop to catch rain water.

Prisoners took it and sold it for 4d.

They were sent for seven days' hard labour


The Halifax Guardian [4th July 1902]17

Beacon Hill Collision

James Fell of Clifton, Brighouse brought action against Joseph Binns, milk dealer, Cooper Street, Claremont, Halifax, for damages caused by careless driving.

Plaintiff was a baker and confectioner in Halifax and made veal and pork pies. John Fell had prepared his van to do his rounds accompanied by his son, and was driving up Beacon Hill New Road when he heard a sound as if someone was coming down the wrong side. He pulled his horse as near as possible to the side of the road but the defendant's cart was coming at so furious a rate that it crashed into the plaintiff's van and smashed it entirely. The horse was badly injured and died a few weeks later. Seven dozen excellent new veal pies were ruined.

Mr Newall for the defendant;

The phrase in the particulars is meat, which is ambiguous


Mr Wood for the plaintiff;

They were completely smashed, and the gravy was running about

Mr Newell;

What a tragedy

John Fell of 66, Crib Lane said he and the boy and the pies were all mixed up together.

The pies were 1/6d per dozen

John Denison, horse slaughterer, said he gave ten shillings for the horse carcass.

Thomas J. Constantine, wheelwright of Hipperholme, said the van was worth £8 when he repaired it three years ago.

James Fell said he paid £6 10s for the horse.

Father Worthy of Shibden Industrial School said he sold the van for £1 in 1894.

His Honour said

No negligence had been shown on the part of Mr Binns. That there was an accident was certain, and it could not be avoided. One was bound to feel that there had been a good deal of exaggeration. He gave verdict for the defendant, with costs


The Sheffield Daily Telegraph [21st July 1911]16

Coiners' Den in Halifax

When police visited a small room in a house in Halifax which for some days had been occupied by Frank Mather (32) a hawker and Arthur Patrick O'Brien (36) ship's foreman, they discovered eight counterfeit Lion shillings, a mould for making these, a crucible and a broken cast of a half crown.

The police found the two men had both been uttering home-made Lion shillings of the year 1902, the date of the mould seized by the police.

Mather said he had no idea why these shillings were there.

Both prisoners were found guilty and O'Brien was also found guilty of being a criminal under the Crimes Act. He had been first sent to prison in 1896 and since then had been convicted upwards of fifty times.

Mather, who had no convictions against him for felony, said he had worked for some years for Tinsley Park Coal Company, at Sheffield.

Mather was sentenced to nine months hard labour and O'Brien to penal servitude for three years for coining, followed by five years preventive detention as an habitual criminal.

Court records show that Frank Mather was once charged with using obscene language and once disorderly.

Arthur Patrick O'Brien had previously been in court charged with;- 48 times drunk and assaulting the police – stealing from the person – shop breaking – stealing a shawl – warehouse breaking – larceny from the person – stealing clothing – stealing handkerchiefs – frequenting – stealing from a till – larceny of newspapers.

Both prisoners were found guilty of feloniously making 9 pieces of current silver coins at Halifax (not 8 as shown above) but in both cases the charge of Feloniously having possession of a mould and uttering 1 piece of counterfeit shilling were not proceeded with


The Bradford Observer [19th April 1939]1

Brookfoot Mills, Brighouse were offered for Sale by Auction yesterday which includes a power plant and four acres of land and were sold for £2,000 to a Mr A. G. Sladdin, managing director of W. H. Sladdin & Sons, shoulder padding manufacturers.

Mr Sladdin told the Yorkshire Observer

I shall give myself six months to find a buyer, if I don't, I might decide to use it for my own business. Turnwrights and Clifton Cricket & Tennis Club will carry on for the present, at any rate.

Formerly Brookfoot Mills were occupied by Messrs Turner & Wainwright, toffee manufacturers


The Bradford Observer [18th July 1939]25

For the second time in 18 hours, Elland people were startled by the warning notes of the electric fire alarm. Local firemen were called out to a small outbreak at an oil and leather store room at Elland Bridge, but little damage was done.

The second call was far more serious, £10,000 worth of damage done to Bridgefield Mill which stands in the centre of Elland Bridge. The building is a five storey structure, the upper part being occupied by Messrs Haigh & Heppenstall, cotton spinners, & doublers. This portion was wrecked. The lower rooms occupied by Mr H. Broadhead, did not suffer damage by fire but were seriously flooded. Three firemen were slightly injured and 130 workpeople will be idle for a while


The Leeds Mercury [Saturday, 10th March 1838]18

Sale by Auction

Messuage called Great House, Southowram, with six Closes of Land called Long Field, Delf Field, Four Days Work, Three Days Work, Top of Seven Days Work and Bottom of Seven Days Work in the occupation of Joseph Haigh and cottage occupied by Widow Barrett.


Further particulars from: Mr Hammerton, Surgeon, Elland. Mr Samuel Washington, Crow Nest, Near Halifax or Messrs Stead & Dyson, Solicitors, Halifax

The Todmorden & District News [Friday 28th February 1879]32

William Greenwood, a dyer of Eastwood, was charged with unlawfully entering upon the premises belonging to William Manley Eastwood for the purpose of stealing.

Prisoner had been found in an outhouse where there was nothing to steal, but the farmer had some suspicions of the cows being milked. Robert Thomas, a farm servant, said he had caught the prisoner several times sleeping in the barn and had noticed sometimes that the cows had not given milk as freely as they should have done and he could not account for it, except that someone had milked them.

Prisoner was said to be a nuisance and would not work and never lived in any house.

He was sent to prison for 3 months with hard labour.


The Todmorden & District News [Friday 28th February 1879]36

Offence against the Turnpike Act

Marmaduke Mallinson, joiner and builder, of Stansfield Road, was charged with allowing a cart to be used on the highway without his name being painted thereon.

The cart belonged to the defendant; the name of James Mitchell of Eastwood was chalked on it but was not legible.

Defendant said the cart was a borrowed one and he did not know that the name was on.

Fined 1/- and costs


The Halifax Guardian [Saturday 9th August 1918]37

Sale by Auction on Thursday 29th August 1918.

By Order of the Controller of Salvage, at The Mart, Carlton Place, Halifax.

  • 23,000 pairs old army boots, including; 500 pairs Grade 1, ready  to wear
  • 5,000 pairs Grade 3 fit for civilian wear after repair
  • 7,500 pairs Grade 4 fit for civilian wear after repair
  • 10,000 pairs Grade 5 fit for clogging or patching purposes

The Halifax Guardian [Saturday 2nd November 1918]38

Sales By Auction

Clough Farm, Mixenden – Sale by Auction on 5th November 1918 for Mr Isaac Postlethwaite who is leaving. Valuable Farm Stock and Farm Equipment

Also Sturton House Farm, Illingworth – Sale by Auction on 13th November 1918 for Mr Wilson Barker. Farm and Outbuildings with 5 closes of land totalling about 10 acres.

Also Newlands Farm, Illingworth – Sale by Auction on 13th November 1918 for Mr Willie Barker. Farm and Outbuildings with 10 closes of land totalling about 10 acres.


The Halifax Guardian, [Friday 24th December 1869]39

Damaging a Highway in Warley

John Mitchell, a cart driver, of Sowerby, was charged with injuring the surface of Moorhouse Lane, in Warley, to the extent of 2s by removing sand.

Defendant, who was in the employ of a plasterer, fetched sand off the road. John Akroyd, Surveyor, and a witness named Binns, proved seeing the defendant dig up the road and load his cart with sand and small stones. Mr Holroyde said the sand on the road was very valuable to plasterers.

Several other persons, inhabitants and ratepayers of Warley, had been fined for similar offences.

Defendant was employed by George Hoyle, a plasterer, and he was fined 21s 6d


The Leeds Mercury [Saturday 3rd June 1820]40

Public House at King Cross

Sale by Auction at the Old Cock Inn, Halifax on 14th day of June 1820.

The Freehold Estates of Robert Wade in King Cross.

A public house and eleven cottages with 4,400 yards of ground suitable for building upon.

Particulars from James Broadbent of Mytholmroyd, or George Greenup of Darcey Hey, (two of the devisees in trust for sale).

Also to be sold

  • Messuage called Shay in Norland with nine  closes of land in the occupation of Bryan Shepley
  • Messuage called Bradshaw Ing in Warley with  twelve Closes of land in the occupation of R. Calvert
  • Messuage called Turpit Hill with six Closes of Land in  the occupation of Richard Whitworth

The Todmorden & District News [Friday 26th April 1872]41

Sale by Auction in May next

Cotton Machinery and Working Plant at Barewise Mill, Lydgate, Burnley Road, Near Todmorden, formerly in the occupation of the late Messrs J. & O. Barker, cotton spinners.

Also Auction Sales – Washer Lane Dyeworks and the house of the late Mr J. E. Wainhouse which was sold to the tenant of the works Mr H. Mossman for £4,000.

The Sapling Grove Estate and about 18 acres of land was sold to Mr John Shoesmith for £1,800.

Five Cottages and quarries were bought by the workers of the quarry Messrs Spencer Brothers for £1,800.


The Halifax Guardian [Saturday 26th June 1869]5

Effigy Burning at Wheatley.

On Tuesday evening, the inhabitants of the village were kept in a state of amusement for some hours by the parading of an effigy of a supposed wife beater.

About 10 o'clock in the evening, the effigy was burnt near the residence of the supposed offender, amidst cheers and laughter of hundreds of people


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