Leeds Mercury

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Edition : Saturday, 10th October 1835

Inquest : Before Mr Stocks – On Friday at the Wood Mill in Stansfield, on the body of Samuell Emmett, who was found drowned in Spawhole mill dam – Verdict accordingly

Edition : Saturday, 3rd October 1835

Factory Offences Halifax Magistrate's Office : Magistrates present John Waterhouse Esq, John Dearden Jun Esq, George Pollard Esq

Messrs Greenwood were charged by Mr Baker superintendent of factories, with not having their time book regularly kept. They admitted the charge, and were fined in the mitigated penalty of 20/- and costs

Mr Sutcliffe of the parish of Halifax, was charged with employing several children without certificates from a surgeon. Mr Sutcliffe admitted the fact, but said it was the fault of his overlooker, as he had given express orders that such should not be employed. He was convicted in the mitigated penalty of 20/- and costs

Mr Samuel Turner was also charged with two offences – employing children without certificates, and employing children who were under the proper age, from six o'clock in the morning until nine at night. He was convicted to pay the mitigated penalty of £1 for one charge, and costs amounting to £1-15s-0d for both

Mr Henry Binns of Sowerby was charged with employing children without certificates. Convicted in the penalty of £10 and costs of 10/-

Messrs Greenwood of Cragg Valley were charged with making false entries in the time book, and employing children for more than 12 hours. Convicted in two cases. £20 on one and £5 on the other

Edition : Saturday, 26th December 1835

Magistrates Office Halifax – Saturday December 19th : Mr William Greenwood – manufacturer was charged by Mr Cheesborough the inspector with having a quantity of yarn which he had embezzled. Greenwood, however, brought evidence to show that he had bought similar yarn from Mr Holdsworth – Case Dismissed

George Bryan and James Eastwood were charged with indecently assaulting Susy Robertshaw. She deposed that she was going along the road at Hebden Bridge, and these men ran after her, and putted up her clothes. A woman corroborated her. The magistrates convicted them in the penalty of £5 each, and in default of payment committed them for two months

Abraham Naylor was summoned by the overseers of the town of Sowerby, to pay £54 for his and his son's keep in the workhouse. The overseers told him that if he went into the workhouse, he would be expected to repay it, when he received a legacy which he was entitled to, and which he has since got. The magistrates asked them if they had made any agreements in writing, and on being answered in the negative, they dismissed the case

William Holmes, ?? Sleddon and Jesse Broadbent, were changed with ranging with dogs in search of game, Sleddon, who had been convicted before, was committed for two months, and the other two for one month each

Mary Greenwood was charged by Mr John Sutcliffe with embezzling cotton cops, The magistrates committed her for one month

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Please email me if you can identify any people, places or events in the unattached material with existing entries in Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion

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