Leeds Mercury
Inquest Reports

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Edition : Saturday, 2nd April 1853

Inquest before Mr Dyson – On Friday at the Golden Lion, Langfield, on the body of Ashton Stansfield, aged 4 years, who was accidentally burnt to death by his clothes catching fire – Verdict: Accidental


On Saturday at the Halifax Infirmary, on the body of James Butterfield, aged 80 years, who died there from injuries received by being accidentally run over by a cart laden with wood – Verdict: Accidental death

At the same time and place, on the body of Sarah Elizabeth Edmondson, aged 26 years, who destroyed herself by taking a quantity of flavour of almonds, but there was no sufficient evidence of the state of the deceased's mind at the time she took the poison – Verdict accordingly

On Thursday at the Pack Horse, Southowram, on the body of Richard Thornton, aged 29 years, who was accidentally killed whilst at his work in a delf there – Verdict: Accidental death

Edition : Saturday, 9th April 1853

Inquest before Mr Dyson – On Saturday at the Commercial Inn, Halifax on the body of a male child unknown, about 10 days old, that was found dead in a privy near Crib Lane, without any marks of violence on his person, but from what cause he died no evidence appeared. Mr Stansfield, a surgeon, deposed that he had made a careful examination of the body of the child. It might have been in the privy a fortnight, but could not form a correct opinion. The child might have died from want of food or from convulsions – Verdict: Found dead in a privy

Edition : Saturday, 16th April 1853

Inquest before Mr Dyson – On Saturday at the Hare and Hounds, Halifax, on the body of Jane Lees, aged 5 months, who was found dead in bed without any marks of violence, but from what cause she died no evidence appeared – Verdict: Found dead

On Tuesday at the New Inn, Northowram, on the body of Mary Wood, aged 14 years, who was accidentally killed at Old Lane mill, by falling down the sectacle place

On Wednesday at the New Dolphin, Northowram, on the body of George Bairstow, aged 18 months, who was suffocated by accidentally falling into a tub of washing suds – Verdict: Accidental death

Same day at the Dog and Partridge, Langfield, on the body of Mary Greenwood, aged 65 years, who died suddenly at Studley Wood road, by a visitation of God – Verdict: Accordingly

Edition : Saturday, 23rd April 1853

Inquest before Mr Dyson – On Saturday last, at the Infirmary, Halifax, on the body of Charles Lilley, aged 38 years, who died there from fractures of the right leg caused by the sudden fall of earth at a quarry at Hove Edge, whilst at his work as a bearer – Verdict: Accidental death

On Monday (by adjournment from the previous Thursday) at the Keb Coat Inn, Stansfield, on the body of William Cheetham, aged 54 years, who died from a fractured rib caused by his falling when in a state of intoxication – Verdict: Accordingly

On the same day, at the Calder & Hebble Inn, Southowram, on the body of William Holroyd, aged 35 years, who, whilst in a state of intoxication, fell from the Elland turnpike-road into the canal, in consequence of the broken state of the fence, and was drowned – Verdict: Accidentally drowned. The jury accompanied their verdict with an earnest request to the commissioners of the road or any other party liable thereto, immediately to repair and raise the said fence

On Thursday at the Halifax Infirmary, on the body of William Mason, aged 49 years, who died from injuries received by falling down stairs 6 weeks ago whilst in a fit – Verdict: Accordingly

Edition : Saturday, 30th April 1853

Inquest before Mr Dyson – On Monday at the Blue Ball, Halifax, on the body of Thomas Cockcroft, aged 7 weeks, who was found dead in bed but from what cause he died no evidence appeared – Verdict: Found dead

Edition : Saturday, 4th June 1853

William Greenwood, of Sowerby, was brought up before the Magistrates at Ward's End, on Saturday, on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. He had been convicted on the 14th of May and again on the 24th, and was now brought up before their worships on a similar charge. He had been ordered to pay 24/- in one case and 21/- in another, neither of which sums had, however, been discharged, and he was now fined 30/- and ordered to find surety for his sobriety and good behaviour for 6 months, but as no surety could be found of this description, he was committed to the stocks. Here another dilemma arose, for the stocks had been so long out of use, that they did not afford sufficient security for the culprit. The constable was, however, ordered to get them repaired for the special benefit and admonition of Greenwood. The constable was also told that if the town's overseer declined to pay for the repair, he must bring his account before their Worships, and they would compel payment

Inquest before Mr Dyson – On Wednesday at the Royal Hotel, Rishworth, on the body of Ann Whiteley, aged 5 weeks, who was found dead in bed – Verdict: Found dead

Edition : Saturday, 11th June 1853

Inquest before Mr Dyson – On Tuesday at the Ovenden Cross Inn, on the body of John Ingham, aged 51 years, who hung himself whilst insane from drinking – Verdict: Accordingly

Edition : Saturday, 18th June 1853

Inquest before Mr Dyson – On Friday at the Waggon and Horses, Ovenden, on the body of Hannah Rothera, aged 65, who hung herself in a temporary state of insanity – Verdict: Insanity

On Saturday at Skircoat, on the body of John Berry, aged 13 years, who died from concussion of the brain, caused by accidentally falling against an iron frame in Willow Hall Mill

Edition : Saturday, 25th June 1853

Inquests before Mr Dyson – On Monday at the Union Workhouse, Halifax, on the body of Thomas Copley, aged 42 years, Who died from apoplexy caused by excessive drinking – Verdict: Accordingly

On Wednesday at the Waggon and Horses, Soyland on the body of John Turner Lumb, aged 2 years, who died from scalding caused by accidentally falling into a bowl of boiling liquor – Verdict: Accidental death

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Please email me if you can identify any people, places or events in the unattached material with existing entries in Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion

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