Football Inn, Brighouse

Some images of the Football Inn, Brighouse aka the Masons' Arms


The area around the Football Inn, Brighouse from a photo which accompanied an article written by Rowan in the Brighouse Echo [1970s].

The 4-storey Leach's Works can be seen in the centre of the photo.

Andy Eccles points out that the Football Inn was in the terrace of houses on the far left of the photo

This image [AES1.JPG] was kindly submitted by Andy Eccles

A photo looking east along Elland Road, Brighouse.

The people are standing outside Mrs Hobday's grocery shop, the Masons' Arms / Football Inn is at the is on the right with the lamp and sign over the door

This image [AES2.JPG] was kindly submitted by Andy Eccles

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