Grave of William Drake & Family

Sowerby Church

The grave of William Drake & family at Saint Peter's Church, Sowerby



In Memory of Susey Wife of William
Drake of Sowerby who departed this
life January 27th 1800 Aged 26 Years
Also two infant Daughters of William
and Martha Drake. Also Joshua son
of the said William and Martha Drake
who departed this life October 28th 1816
in the 2nd Year of his AGE
Also Dorothy Daughter of the above
who departed this life February 20th
1820 Aged 18 months
Also an infant son of William and
Martha Drake. Also the above
Martha Drake Wife of the said William
Drake who departed this life Nov 22nd
1842 Aged 63 Years
Also John Lockwood Drake son
of the above William and Martha
Drake who departed this life the 2nd
day of May 1844 aged 27 Years
Also of the above named William
Drake, who departed this life May 1.
1855, in the 81st Year of his Age
"If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him"

[Taken in April 2011]

This image [HH44.JPG] was kindly submitted by Derrick Habergham

Inscription for James Heap on the side of the tomb of William Drake and family in St Peter's Church, Sowerby: Graveyard

[Taken in April 2011]

This image [HH42.JPG] was kindly submitted by Derrick Habergham

© Malcolm Bull 2022
Revised 16:13 / 19th December 2022 / 4299

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