Burials in Grave 4205 at Lister Lane Cemetery

The following burials are recorded for Plot 4205 in Lister Lane Cemetery

  1. Sarah Taylor who died 15th March 1853 (aged 38 years)
  2. James Ogden [carpet weaver] who died 6th April 1853 (aged 43 years)
  3. William Mason [weaver] who died 20th April 1853 (aged 50 years)
  4. William Illingworth [cloth dresser] who died 16th May 1853 (aged 59 years)
  5. John Craven who died 14th June 1853 (aged 9 years)
  6. Frances Milnes who died 12th July 1853 (aged 81 years)
  7. Lewis Gaukroger who died 18th July 1853 (aged 12 days), son of Mary & Thomas Gaukroger [overlooker]
  8. A stillborn child who was buried 8th October 1853
  9. Alice Ann Storey who died 25th December 1863 (aged 2 months), daughter of Mary & Benjn Storey [joiner]
  10. Arthur Hitchen who died 27th December 1863 (aged 1 year), son of Susannah & James Hitchen [millwright]
  11. William Walter Whitaker who died 27th December 1863 (aged 5 months), son of Hart & James Whitaker [tailor]
  12. A stillborn child who was buried 4th January 1864
  13. A stillborn child who was buried 15th January 1864

Please email me if you can add information about any of the people mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on the Calderdale Companion

© Malcolm Bull 2023
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 3350

Page Ref: LL4205

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