Kay : Index

This Index lists 21 people with the surname Kay who have entries in the Calderdale Companion.

Click on any name to take you to the appropriate entry in the Kay Sidetrack

A. Kay [18??-18??]
Abram Kay [18??-19??]
Arnold Kay [1880-1951]
Battinson Kay [1806-1859]
Charles Kay [1848-1933]
Fred Kay [1873-1916]
Rev Harry Kay [18??-19??]
Harry Craven Kay [1880-1924]
James Kay [1885-1917]
John Kay [17??-18??]
John Kay [1801-1858]
John Kay [1852-1925]
John Naismith Kay [1889-19??]
Joseph Kay [18??-18??]
Michael Kay [16??-17??]
Michael Kay [1843-1???]
R. Kay [18??-18??]
Sir Robert Newbold Kay [1869-1947]
Smith Kay [1863-1926]
William John Kay [1839-1894]
William Wolstenholme Kay [1???-1???]

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 18:42 / 15th June 2024 / 3293

Page Ref: IX.488

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