Young : Index

This Index lists 24 people with the surname Young who have entries in the Calderdale Companion.

Click on any name to take you to the appropriate entry in the Young Sidetrack

Mr Young [18??-1???]
Mr Young [18??-1???]
Mr Young [18??-18??]
Archibald Young [16??-17??]
Arthur Young [1897-1918]
Barbara Young [1931-2023]
Charles Young [1751-1810]
Charles Jefferson Young [1856-1921]
Ernest Young [1884-1917]
Rev Frank Young [1???-1???]
Rev Hamilton Young [1863-1943]
Isaac Young [1853-1933]
Rev J. Young [18??-19??]
Rev James Young [18??-1???]
James Young [1870-1945]
Rev John Young [1846-1915]
John Young [1863-1940]
Joseph Henry Young [1873-1???]
Judith Young [19??-]
Dr M. Young [18??-19??]
Marcus Cavendish-Bentinck Kershaw Young [1892-1970]
Margaret Keith Young [1862-1930]
Rawdon Morris Young [1893-1916]
Thomas Young [1879-1916]

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 19:59 / 20th June 2024 / 3570

Page Ref: IX.456

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